When is Enough Enough?
When is enough enough? You could be struggling with any number of things; getting out of a failed relationship, not happy with your job, appearance or even when it comes to things like spring cleaning or buying that forever home. When do you stop procrastinating and start putting your thoughts and words into action? How long are you going to wait for something or someone to change? Will that sign ever show itself?
Our homes, families and day jobs take priority. By the time we handled everyone and everything else, there is no time nor energy to bring our plans/ideas to life. But isn’t that what most women struggle with? Why do we find it so hard to put ourselves first? We make the mistake of organizing and scheduling our tasks around our family. The fear that our home life would suffer was something that we used as a crutch. If you want to achieve something you must put in the work and remove the fear. There is no greater lesson than showing your children that you can be all that you wish to be, if you believe in yourself, then anything is possible.
We thought that it was okay to keep making plans for all the ventures we wanted to pursue. Everyone procrastinates. That was our excuse. Our breaking point came or as we like to say, enough is enough, when one day (five years later) we realized we were still making plans! The only people getting in our way were us. Crazy to think that we were our own worse enemies. We had great ideas on paper. Took meetings with companies who expressed interest and were intrigued, wanting to work with us. But we did not follow up or follow through. We had to then take a step back, analyze ourselves and our personal lives. Concluding that we procrastinated when it came to anything and everything that related to our success.
Keeping it Moving
The clock will always tick, but that does not mean you have all the time in the world to create your own personal happiness. How do you know when it is the right time to start your process? Here’s the thing, don’t wait for the right time to come to you, create your own right time. You must be the change; the common denominator is you. Once you decide to take that first step you will feel accomplishment in the thought that this is just the beginning of whatever you want it to be. You can’t stop there; you must continue to the next step and so on.
Now, we block time in our schedules to collaborate and get our work done as well as taking personal self care because the two go hand in hand. So, we say enough is enough, take that leap of faith. If you do not like your current situation, make the decision to plan, but don’t stop there, keep it moving. A plan is just a plan if you do not put it into action. You do not have to wait for your breaking point. We know for sure that the time we have is the moment we are currently in. Time is something we know we have, but how much time is something we will never know…until our time is up. Do not let the fear of the unknown scare you. All the time in the world doesn’t exist, get out there and live your life, live your dream and be the best possible you that you can be. It is a choice. Say, Enough is Enough!
When is enough enough for you?